Larger Than Life Messaging

Event Type: Cocktail Hour Entrance Foyer at a Non-Profit Event

Attendees: 500

Venue: Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium

What We Did: Conceptualize, Design, Messaging, Branding and Execution

RGI's Favorite Creation: The 8 foot tall by 16 foot long portable plexiglass structure representing the statistics our non-profit client's programming is trying to combat.

Biggest Challenge: Figuring out how to construct the 8 foot tall by 16 foot long portable plexiglass structure representing the statistics our non-profit client's programming is trying to combat.


One of the many things that makes RGI events + public relations so unique as a production partner is the fact that we are not JUST a planning and design team, but we also highly emphasize the organizational messaging of our clients - making it our goal throughout an event to continue bringing the focus back to the organization and it's objectives. Through our priority of  'materializing the message', RGI events + public relations utilizes the event as a vehicle, in order to make it as impactful as possible for the attending guests. The conceptualization and creation of unique messaging opportunities through sensory mediums attendees can see, touch and feel creates a very special, emotionally resonating and powerfully impactful experience that the guests can walk away with and remember. Engaging attendees through event is a must for success across the board.

RGI had the opportunity to bring our unique messaging strategy and design to life in the entrance foyer of the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium for one of our our non-profit clients, Project HOPE, at their Annual Project HOPE 2016 Awards Gala. Utilizing the theme for this year, Make Hope Happen, as a guide - we set out to show in larger than life ways just why and HOW that sentiment was important for attendees. We worked with our graphic design partners to put together custom multi-media projections on 8 oversized LCD screens throughout the room cycling through a series of results oriented statistics from Project HOPE's programs around the world. Further, exhibiting for attendees the impact their donations can make. This was also an important moment to show corporate and long-terms donors just how much their 2015 giving has accomplished since the last gala.

While the statistics on Project HOPE's work are plentiful - they are also massive - both in the problems they combat and the results they achieve. We wanted to give the attendees a physical understanding of just HOW massive the efforts the organization is mounting to continue to combat HIV/AIDS in Africa must be. To that end, we designed and headed up fabrication on an 8 foot tall by 16 foot long portable plexiglass structure, which we filled with 7,000 branded blue plastic balls and covered with custom stencils. This represents the number of HIV cases diagnosed in an area of focus for our non profit client within the span of a week and helps attendees visualize the true magnitude. Highlighting further the urgency of the problem - we broke down that stat to illustrate how many cases that meant would be diagnosed JUST during attendee's time at the gala.

-and of course - we washed the foyer in branded lighting color and patterns, highlighting messaging stations, accented by beautiful, modern, floral arrangements -to tie the space together.

Want more? Check out the pictures below!



Corporate Headquarters Grand Opening


NextGEN Leadership Board