Hybrid Events

In early March, the events industry was moving full steam ahead, prepped and ready for a jam-packed spring season. It was to be filled with grand stages, dazzling lights, stunning tablescapes, impactful décor, and most importantly great gatherings.

In 1 week - that all changed.

The past months have been a challenge to say the least. For the events industry, which still has nearly 12 million people out of work and trillions of dollars lost, to our business, and for our clients who rely on events for their missions and success.

We’ve spent those months supporting our clients as they pivot to virtual models to keep their agendas moving forward-

Check out our blog from a few weeks back detailing those efforts!

- and now, finally, 6 months in to this Pandemic, we have finally started to started to see the light of hope for in person events returning creeping slowly through the darkness….

We may not be able to return to the way it used to be quite yet , but we are also not trapped within the computer screen any longer. As we emerge from this darkness we are able to offer clients new and safe formats to bring their events back online , recapturing the majic of our collective gathering, slowly, but surely….through the Hybrid Event.

A Hybrid Event combines live, in-person content with an online audience similar to a broadcast. This allows event hosts to create programing in one common location, presenting taping in real time, and creating interactive components for virtual attendees.

 What is the Format of a Hybrid Event? 

Hybrid events can closely mirror your intended programming for your in-person event. The key is that all of the program participants are together (speakers, honorees, etc) and your audience is virtual. Keeping the group small that is gathered in person - but allowing for a mo0re impactful delivery of programming.

RGI recommends opening a hybrid event as you would your live event. Whether your audience is sitting in a ballroom or sitting in their living room you want to grab their attention. Live tapings of opening remarks, presentations, and videos kickstart the event. You can then create opportunities for audience interaction through Q&A sessions, deliverable swag, breakout sessions or platform specific self-guided development. As a host you want attendees to feel engaged. Bring everyone back together, we encourage hosts to direct presentations back to the live filming location, showcasing keynote speakers and closing remarks.

 Hybrid Vs. Virtual?

 Going hybrid takes guests one step closer to experiencing a live event. It transports attendees outside of their homes and into a beautiful theater or extraordinary venue. There is an element of elevation and unity that occurs when presenters are taken out of a typical virtual environment and brought safely together.

Having all the presenters in a common venue also allows for higher production quality at a controlled cost. Rather than spreading your valuable budget on high-end equipment and production staff at various locations, focus into one venue, creating an immersive backdrop for participants. 

 How Can We Make Our Event Unique?

While you may not be able to serve a themed duo plate or color branded cocktail, you can let your guests know how special they are by sending out gift boxes or interactive swag options.

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Don’t want your sponsors to feel left out? Use a personalized virtual platform to integrate games or imagery showcasing and highlighting branding and sponsors. 

 We may not be ready to gather round the table but we can safely look towards getting back in the spotlight.










Lemons into Clean Water Lemonade


Event Essentials: Colored Glassware