Corporate Summer Bash

Event Type: Corporate client throws an outdoor summer bash for their employees

Attendees: 1,200

What We Did: Planning, Design, Production and On Site Execution

Venue: U.S. headquarters of a European-based corporate client's outdoor lot with a cocktail reception held in the lobby

Theme: Upscale Carnival with European touches

Biggest Challenge: Taking a vacant and long out of use 20,000 sq. foot lot and turning it into a venue ready to welcome 1,200 guests

RGI's Favorite Creation: Food Truck Alley and European style Beergarden


When one of RGI's corporate clients wanted utilize their newly purchased parking lot to put together an event to celebrate and show appreciation for all of their employees & families - RGI wanted to take that opportunity and run with it! What better way to show appreciation and have a little family fun than to throw a summer carnival inspired event?! We couldn't wait to create this awesome, over-the-top environment for our client and guests - so we went big!

In order to transform the raw, vacant lot space and achieve the goal of a high-end afternoon which was entertaining for guests – we knew it was going to take some serious creativity and logistical strategy. – not to mention, we only had about 5 weeks to pull it off – INCLUDING preparing the lot as an event site. This included necessary maintenance, temporary security fencing, landscaping and cleaning. The outdoor nature of the event posed unique challenges – not to mention the need to run water and power to the space for a complex technical set up and attendees necessities like portable restroom trailers.

The project lived up to the challenge we knew it would be - but once we had preformed the necessary prep - guests arrived to find a gourmet BBQ lunch buffet, traditional lawn game area, lounge vignettes, 5 food truck food court, artisan cotton candy and lemonade stands, traditional carnival game arcade alley, kids face-painting and airbrush tattoos - along with caricature artists, DJ entertainment, video photo-booth – and, for guests 21+, RGI created a European Beergartien in the lobby of the client’s headquarter building where guests enjoyed tastings, upscale bar fare, outdoor inspired décor and traditional café seating complete with umbrellas.  We brought in and installed 2 jumbo-oversized sailcloth tents for shade, added market umbrellas to lounge vignettes, and brought in a potable water truck at the last minute to power misting tents.

– it was an event RGI is very proud of, through which we truly demonstrated not only our planning and production expertise, but our ability to pivot, work well under pressure, and rise to the occasion. We like to say we make the impossible, possible – and it showed at this event. 

Take a glimpse below!


All In The The Details: Lemon Place Cards


Events 101: Deciphering the Dress Code