Event Recap: National Park Service's 4th of July Celebration

With 250,000 attendees sprawling from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument expected annually, the 4th of July on The National Mall is arguably the city’s, and maybe the nation’s, most grand event of the year.

As native Washingtonian’s, RGI was obviously thrilled to be brought on by the event’s hosts, The National Park Service, to provide broad event services to support the production to this monumental (pun intended) celebration!

At RGI, we are known for doing it big…and it dosen’t get much bigger than this.

Heres a taste of supply prep for an event of this scale -

49,680 bottles of water, 5,440 bags of chips , 4,200 bags of pretzels, Four 8 x 16 foot freight containers of soda, half a dozen tents, 190 gallons of popcorn, 24 coolers, 7,000 pounds of ice, 2 all terrain carts, 20 ipads, 3 football fields of cabling, 2 dozen staffers, 2 truckloads of duradeck, stakes, flags, groundmarkers and signage…

6 tubes of sunscreen cherished


an average daily temp of 97 degrees scorned

This event also involved 3 days of load-ins with only 1 night to load out…talk about hustle.

Overall, we spent over 43 hours on-site, traversed NEARLY 40 miles collectively, gained a few sunburns and bruises, but only one car’s battery died (…sorry Rachael).

It was anything but a typical year - but we REALLY enjoyed being back into the world of production after a time of virtual events. This event also gave us an amazing view of the fireworks and flyover, which were truly spectacular this year.

We hope you all enjoyed a happy and safe 4th of July!

and we’ll see you down on the National Mall next year!


Back in Action, Virtually


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